In a heartbreaking incident, two ardent fans of Ram Charan—Aravapalli Manikanta (23) and Thokada Charan (22)—tragically lost their lives in a road accident near Gaigolupadu in Kakinada. The young men were returning from the pre-release event of Game Changer in Rajamahendravaram on Saturday when the unfortunate event occurred.
Deeply moved by the tragedy, Ram Charan expressed his heartfelt condolences to the grieving families. In a statement, he shared his sadness and emphasized that he felt the same pain as the bereaved. As a gesture of support, the actor announced financial assistance of ₹5 lakhs for each family.
Taking swift action, Ram Charan ensured the aid was transferred online to the families on Tuesday. Additionally, the actor sent his team to meet the grieving families, offering emotional support during their time of loss.
On Wednesday, Ram Charan’s fans followed suit by visiting the families of Manikanta and Charan to pay their respects and offer their condolences. They met Manikanta’s mother, Aravapalli Bhavani, and Charan’s father, Thokada Apparao, assuring them of their unwavering support. The fans pledged to stand by the families and extend assistance to help them navigate through this difficult time.
This act of kindness reflects not only the compassion of Ram Charan but also the strength of the bond between the star and his fans. Together, they stand as a source of support for those in need, showcasing humanity and solidarity in the face of tragedy.