amil superstar Suriya, who recently appeared in the film Kanguva, faced mixed results at the box office as the movie did not achieve the anticipated success. However, moving on from the setbacks, Suriya is gearing up for the release of his 44th film, titled Retro, directed by the renowned Tamil filmmaker Karthik Subbaraj.
The shooting of Retro has been successfully completed, and the movie’s first look posters and teaser, released recently, have garnered an impressive response from fans and audiences alike. From the beginning, the production team has maintained that Retro would hit the screens as a summer special. Now, they have officially locked the release date—Retro is set to release worldwide on May 1, 2025.
In Retro, Suriya is expected to showcase a variety of distinctive and versatile looks, raising excitement among his fans. The film also stars the gorgeous Pooja Hegde as the female lead, with music composed by the talented Santhosh Narayanan. Produced under the prestigious 2D Entertainment banner by Jyotika and Suriya, the film promises to be a treat for moviegoers.
As the release date approaches, anticipation is running high, and fans are eagerly waiting to witness Suriya’s magic on screen in Retro!