It is well known that Victory Venkatesh is currently working on the film Sankranthiki Vasthunam under the direction of commercial filmmaker Anil Ravipudi. This movie is slated for a Sankranti special release. Interestingly, Anil Ravipudi has plans to collaborate with Megastar Chiranjeevi for his next project. Speaking about this, Anil made some intriguing comments about working with Chiranjeevi.
Anil stated, “When I make a film with Chiranjeevi garu, I’ll ensure it’s a story that suits him and takes him to the next level. Some directors claim to bring back vintage Chiranjeevi but fail to hit that mark. In reality, audiences don’t want vintage Chiranjeevi anymore. They want stories that reflect the current stage of his life, something that matches his age and persona.”
He further added, “A Chiranjeevi film must have all emotions—comedy, action, drama—everything that defines him. That’s exactly what I’ll deliver in my film with him.”
Anil also confirmed that for this upcoming project, he plans to bring on board Bheems Ceciroleo as the music director.