Swadharm Entertainment, the prestigious production house behind hits like Malli Raava, Agent Sai Srinivasa Athreya, and Masooda, is back with its fourth venture—Brahma Anandam. This unique entertainer stars legendary actor Padmasri Brahmanandam and his son Raja Goutham in lead roles, supported by Priya Vadlamani, Aishwarya Holakkal, Vennela Kishore, Sampath Raj, and Rajeev Kanakala.
Directed by debutant Rvs Nikhil and produced by Rahul Yadav Nakka, Brahma Anandam promises to be a fresh and captivating cinematic experience. The film is presented by Smt. Savitri and Sri Umesh Kumar and is gearing up for a grand release soon.
As part of the promotions, the lyrical song ‘Anandamaaye’ was released recently. Composed by Sandilya Pisapati, penned by Sri Sai Kiran, and sung by Manisha Eerabathini and Yashwanth Nag, the song beautifully captures the heroine’s love and the hero’s struggles.
With a talented team that includes Sandilya Pisapati for music, Mitesh Parvataneni as DOP, and Praneeth Kumar as editor, the film promises a perfect blend of heartwarming storytelling and technical brilliance.
Stay tuned for more updates as Brahma Anandam prepares to light up the big screen!
Key Details:
Cast: Raja Goutham, Brahmanandam, Vennela Kishore, Priya Vadlamani, Aishwarya Holakkal, Sampath Raj, Rajeev Kanakala
Banner: Swadharm Entertainment
Producer: Rahul Yadav Nakka
Director: Rvs Nikhil
Music: Sandilya Pisapati
DOP: Mitesh Parvataneni
Editor: Praneeth Kumar