Mahesh Babu and SS Rajamouli’s highly anticipated film, SSMB29, officially launched with a grand pooja ceremony, sparking immense excitement among fans. Adding to the buzz, rumors suggest Priyanka Chopra Jonas will star as the female lead, marking her return to Indian cinema after five years. A recent video of her at Hyderabad airport has gone viral on social media, fueling speculation about her involvement in the project.
While some have questioned her casting for a high-profile venture, Priyanka’s global recognition, strengthened by her Hollywood success, aligns perfectly with Rajamouli’s vision of creating a film with international appeal. SSMB29 is set to be a globe-trotting jungle adventure, boasting a massive budget of ₹900–1000 crores and planned as a two-part saga.
Mahesh Babu, reportedly playing a character inspired by the mythological figure Hanuman, has adopted a rugged, bearded look for the role. Shooting is scheduled to commence in April 2025, with the first part expected to release in 2027, followed by the second in 2029. Featuring international artists and technicians, SSMB29 promises to be one of India’s most ambitious cinematic endeavors under the visionary direction of SS Rajamouli.
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